Saturday, August 25, 2007

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

End of trip thoughts!

As my trip is reaching its end. I would like to take the chance to thank everyone who made this trip possible. Everyone who took a time off to catch up with me specially that it was an out of the blue trip. Special thanks to Who is accord, Dr Mohammed, Golf for helping me with travel. Ayman for organizing family gathering, and Silveroo for the Galaxy I got before my flight departed. You guys are a bunch of great friends.

السعوديون و المقاعد

قبل قليل كنت اقرا مدونه صالح الزيد و البوست عن وداع مقاعد الدراسه جلست افكر في الوضع
في رابط عجيب بين السعوديين و المقاعد.
السعوديه ملزم انه يجلس على مقعد في المدرسه
يروح الجامعه و كمان مقعد
و يطلع من الجامعه و يدور وظيفه في مكتب يعني يدور المقعد
و في عرسه يجلس على مقعد طول يوم الزواج
السؤال اللي يطرح نفسه ...
هل تعلق السعوديين بالمقاعد سببه عدم حصول اغلبهم على مقعد سياره عندما كان طفلا صغيرا؟؟؟

Back to Hong Kong

Once again i find myself in another airport waiting for hours ... this time it's a 9 hour wait in Hong Kong. I'm so glad that I have my Macbook along with my ipod to keep me entertained. I'll arrive in Auckland at midday tomorrow.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

الليله السفر ... الليله

و الله يعينا على الطيارات

Only in Saudi

The photo taken from Dr. Cafe in AlKhobar Saudi.
This is one of the things that are special about our society ... Due to the misuse of some technologies by a minority, individuals feel safer and more respected in places that offer some restrictions about technology use.

If you can't read the sign is simply has three lines :

- thank you for not smoking.
- sorry, Photography prohibited.
- sorry, Bluetooth is prohibited.

many of non-saudis would appreciate the smoking restriction, can relate to the photography restriction but might wonder about the bluetooth use.
This is how it goes: Bluetooth is a technology that allows you to connect two devices wirelessly. While those devices are a mobile phone and a headset or a PDA in the rest of the world, in Saudi those two devices are 2 mobile photos that are used to exchange numbers between two parties, hopefully a guy and a girl, this act is called "targeem" which translate to "numbering" in English. In Saudi Culture it is the equivalant of using a pick up line on a girl.

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Oil Prices .... Saudi Arabia

This is for my non-Saudi readers ... was talking from a petrol station on a road trip i had a few days ago. It shows how much it costs to get 55 liters of 95 octane petrol in saudi arabia. It reads SR33 thats less the USD10 since the USD = SR 3.75.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

احترامي للمدخنين

احترامي للمدخنين ...

احترامي للمدخنين اللانانيين ..

المدخنيين اللذين يحبون التمتع بالتدخين من غير مشاركه الاخرين ....

لا يحبون ان يشاركهم احد في استنشاق دخانهم ....

و لا يحبون ان يشاركهم احد في الرائحه اللتي تلتصق بثيابهم بعد التدخين ....

احترامي لهم لمنعي من مشاركتهم في اشيائهم الخاصه ...

لمنعي من مشاركتهم في الضرر ...

لمنعي من مشاركتهم في الامراض ،،،،

لمنعي من مشاركتهم في الروائح الكريهه ....

احترامي لكم ... يا معشر المدخنيين الانانيين ..

سعودي اسبريسو

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Thoughts from Hong Kong ...

Woke up today in the travelers Lounge the I crashed in in Hong Kong after my 11 hour flight from Auckland New Zealand. Such a weird feeling when you wake up in a bed surrounded by 9 other people around the room with only wooden screens dividing the room in to cubicles. Now I'm sitting down watching the new Apple Keynote with Steve Jobs presenting their new products. He has some really good marketing skills that are a potential hazard to my monthly budget. After watching his presentation I had a urge to buy the new iLife, iwork and subscribe to the .mac service.

Monday, August 6, 2007

3rd Vblog

This is the last video I recorded last week but i didn't put it on my blog at that time thinking I would redo it. Unfortunately, I have been busy and didn't get the change to do that. I thought it would be better if I put it here for now. I'll be back with more next week without any noise. Apologize for that agian.

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

2nd Vblog

sorry guys this was recorded yesterday and have the same annoying beeping high pitch noise in the back ground ... I promise I'll fix that at one stage .. just bear with me.

My first Vblog