Wednesday, January 31, 2007


يعلن موكب عشاق الحسين ببلدة العوامية بمحافظة القطيف عن عزمه تسيير موكبا للتطبير ظهر الثلاثاء انطلاقاً من ساحة كربلاء.

علماً بأنه وقبل بدء الموكب ستخرج مسيرتي حفاة من حسينية العباس بحي الجميمة حتى مسجد العباس بحي الريف.

• المكان: ساحة كربلاء - العوامية.
• الزمان: الثلاثاء 10 محرم/ 30 يناير.
• الوقت: الساعة 2،30 ظهراً.

اعلان عجيب ... مع الاسف ... الاعلان صحيح!

انا لا اتكلم من وجهه نظر شيعي متحمس لنصره الحسين عليه السلام و لا من وجهه نظر سني يحب الحسين و لكن لا يوافق التطرف في هذه الامور انما اتكلم على اني انسان عندي قليل من علم الابدان "الطب".
من وجهه نظري ان اللذي يحدث ظاهره غير حضاريه و غير صحيه بتاتا.
انتقال الدم من شخص الى اخر يعتبر من اخطر وسائل انتقال العدوى لامراض خطيره منها التهاب الكبد البائي و فايروس نقص المناعه المكتسبه المؤدي للاصابه بالايدز! ناهيك عن اخطار تلوث الجروح بانواع البكتيريا اللتي من الممكن ان تؤدي الى تسسمم الدم و اللذي يعتبر من اخطر حالات الطوارئ في المستشفيات.

الغرب يحاولون ايجاد طرق لايقاف انتشار هذه الامراض في مجتمعاتهم و نحن نروج لطرق انتشارها!

الحسين عليه السلام لم يقتل لكي تتذكره الناس بالتطبير و نقل الامراض المعديه فيما بينهم

اذا اردت نصرت الحسين عليه السلام لماذا لا تتبرع بدمك للمحتاج له من ضحايا الحوادث و امراض الدم المنتشره في مجتمعاتنا. المستشفيات و المراكز الصحيه بحاجه ماسه لاي قطره دم قد تنقذ حياه احد ابناء جيرانك!

A Taste of Arabic Poetry

I am one of those who believe some things can not be translated from one language to another.They are just not transcultural. My bi-lingual friends and I always find amusement in literally translating expressions and jokes between languages. Things like "no extra upon you" and " The envalops are Cairo" or my personal favourite "My Mothers vice presedent" all of which make absalotely no sence unless you understand arabic and are familiar with the Gulf culture.

Leaving all that aside every now and then ,within my mind, I try and translate some peices of Arabic Poetry. Sometimes this only goes as far as one line other times it is a whole poem. This is one of my attempts to do that what ended up being type on my computer.

I really love this one so I hope that it is not ruined by my translation. It is written by Nizar Qabbani and was preformed by AbdulHalem Hafez as a song. It is called "Qariaat AlFinjan" or The fortune Teller and it goes like this:

The Fortune Teller:
She sat down with fear in her eyes..
Staring at my flipped cup..
She said ..
My son ... don’t be sad ..
Love is what is written for you..
My son...
He has sacrificed his soul..
The one who died on the religion of his love!
Your cup is a terrifying life
and your life is journeys and wars ..
You’re going to love a lot my son..
You’re going to die a lot my son ...
You’re going to fall in love with all the ladies on earth ..
And you’re going to return like a defeated king..
In your life my son there is a lady ...
Her eyes are wonders of the worshipped one..
Her mouth is drawn like the end of a vine branch ..
Her laugh is melodies and roses ...
And the wild gipsy hair is traveling throughout the life ..
She might become a lady my son ...
That the heart fall in love with ..
She is the life
But your sky is raining ..
And your way is blocked .. it’s blocked ..
Since the love of your heart .... my son
Is sleeping in well guarded castle ..
And the castle is huge my son ..
And dogs are guarding it along with the guards
And the princess of your heart is sleeping..
The one who enters her room ..
The one who asks for her hand ..
The one who gets close to the fence of her garden lost ..
The one who tries to undo her hair ..
My son ..
Is lost ... is lost ..
I’ve read the future and stars so many times ..
But I have never read a cup the looked like your cup...
I’ve never seen my son ...
Any miseries that looked like yours
Your destiny ... is to walk forever ..
In love ... on the edge of sword ..
And to stay lonely like the shells on the beach..
And to stay sad like the falling leaves ...
Your destiny is to keep going forever ..
In the sea of love with no boats ...
And love millions of times ...
And to return like a removed King !

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

المشجعات السعوديات

المشجعات السعوديات في دوره الخليج...
من متابعني لاخبار البلد اثناء غربتي لاحظت فوضى في الصحف عن خبر ظهور جماعه من المشجعات السعوديات في دوره الخليج الاخيره لتشجيع المنتخب في مبارته ضد المنتخب الاماراتي.
جزئ كبير من الناس اخذ يسب و يشتم هؤلاء المشجعات و يقذفهن بانواع القذائف و يقول انهن لا يمثلون المجتمع السعودي و انهن مجنسات و غير سعوديات و غيرها فقط لانهن قررن الجلوس في مدرجات المشجعين السعوديين لتشجييع منتخبهن من غير اليونيفورم المتعارف عليه في السعوديه !
اوافق الجميع الراي بان المشجعات الاتي ظهرن لا يمثلن اغلب المجتمع السعودي و لكن هذا لا يعني انهن لا يمثلن الطبقه المنتمين لها و اللتي ربما لا تؤمن بلزوم اليونيفورم المتعارف عليه في ارجاء المملكه ! بل هن احسن من يمثلها و لا يهم ان كن ينتمين الى عوائل من اصول غير منتميه الى القبائل السعوديه الشهيره ... السعودي سعودي حتى لو كان ابوه من المريخ طالما انه ينتمى للمجتمع و في قلبه حب الوطن !
متى نترك الحكم على الناس من الظاهر و تهميشهم فقط لانهم لا يؤمنون بالعادات اللتي تعارف عليها اجدادنا ... “ولد الجيران متربي في بيت الجيران ... من غير المنطق ان اتوقع منه الخضوع لاعراف بيتنا” خاصه انه هذه الاعراف اذا اختلفت لا تضر فيني في معيشتي في بيتي !
عارف اغلبكم يقول” بس اذا....” ما يحتاج احد يكمل ... خلونا من الفرضيات و خلونا عايشين في الواقع ..و لكل من سب و شتم و دعى للقبليه في اي تعليق اقول حاسب نفسك قبل ما تحاسب غيرك !
السب و الشتم و الطعن مو من اخلاقنا !

Monday, January 29, 2007

My Latest News

Hi again..

for those of you who have been waiting for my updates... sorry for not being so good with them. I haven't been spending much time infront of my computer lately. I think I'm just suffering from the so called Postexam syndrome. Yup I finished my exams last wednesday! two days after my birthday, which only Cindy and Nathalie remembered so thanks for the effort girls. Everyone else ... thank you too for not remembering! These days the rule is: Lots of free time = time to do nothing. I really like it and I'm really enjoying it. I'm using this time flat hunting and trying to see if it's worth going home for 2-3 weeks after I get the results of my exams. No it is not time to go jumping all over the place yet. It is just a thought like the 5000 miles trip ... Just a thought. wait and see where it takes me too.

Thursday, January 25, 2007

المسنجر !

المسنجر و ما ادراك ما المسنجر! عالم العجائب ...
بس انا اليوم ما راح اتكلم عن الشغلات اللي العالم دايم تتكلم عنها .. لا ما راح اتكلم عن السوالف اللي في المسنجر .. ما راح اتكلم عن اللعب اللي يصير في المسنجر ... ما راح اتكلم عن شباب اللي يدخلون على انهم بنات و يلعبون على الناس ..
لا الكلام هذا كله ما يهمني .. اللي يهمني و مزعجني .. النكات (او الاسماء المستعاره) اللي تستعملها الناس!
ايش دخلك في اسامي الناس ..
ايش دخلني مو هم اللي غاثيني ...
يعني يجيك واحد مسجل اسمه امير الظلام يضيفك ،،، و الايميل تبعه ،،
و يجلس يسولف ،،، و لا يمون و يمزح و كل شوي تساله :عفوا بس مين معاي؟
يقول افا ما عرفتني !!!
يا ابن الايه من وين اعرفك ؟؟؟؟
لا حاط اسمك في ايميلك و لا في النك نيم تبعك ايش اقرا افكارك انا ؟
و طبعا ما ادري ليش احنا يا العرب فينا عله ابيات الشعر يا حزن يا غزل !!
كل واحد صاير قيس بن الملوح على غفله !! وهو ما فراسه شي!
يا ناس يا عالم .. ليش تستحون من اساميكم ؟؟
طيب تبغى تصير كول و تسوي حركات خلي لك نك نيم الناس كلها تعرفك فيه ! مو كل يوم بيت شعر ! كل مره افتح المسنجر تبعي كاني فاتح كتاب الادب صف ثالث ثانوي ،،، تجيبون الهم والله !
رحمونا شوي ياعالم !

يا الله سمعوا الكلام و كل واحد يكتب اسمه واضح في المسنجر و يريحنا !


Sunday, January 21, 2007

مطلوب سكرتيرات

قبل الامس كنت اتحدث مع اختي الكبرى عن طريق "الشات" واحده من اهم الطرق للاتصال بيني و بين اهلي في السعوديه. سالتني عن رايي في عرض وظيفي ...
مطلوب سكرتيرات للعمل في ارامكو
خبره في التعامل مع الكمبيوتر
اجاده اللغه الانجليزيه تحدث و كتابه
عدم تغطيه الوجه و عدم ممانعه التحدث مع الرجال
مقر العمل : العضيليه
الراتب مغري جدا
ممممممم عرض مغري جدا ،،،، ولكن من سيتقبله في مجتمعنا و من سيستطيع التعايش مع هذه البيئه العمليه في مجتمعنا؟؟
لنحاول تطبيق الشروط على بناتنا السعوديات
خبره في التعامل مع الكمبيوتر ... شرط من السهل توفيره في شريحه العاطلات عن العمل اللاتي يشكلن تسعين بالمائه من خريجات الثانويه العامه في السعوديه لتفرغهن للنشاط الوحيد اللذي من الممكن ممارسته من دون الخروج من البيت و التعامل مع الناس
اجاده اللغه الانجليزيه تحدث و كتابه .... عددهن اكبر من المتوقع ... قد يكون راجع لتصميم عقل المراءه المتفوق على عقل الرجل من ناحيه الكلام و القدرات اللغويه و لكن يقتلهن الحياء
عدم تغطيه الوجه و عدم ممانعه التحدث مع الرجال ... شرط مضحك لكن انطلاقا من الواقع في مجتمعنا لابد من توضيح الامور من البدايه زي ما يقولوا اللي اوله شرط اخره سلامه !
طبعا هذا لا يعني سلامه من توافق على الشرط من السنه الناس و انواع "الحش" اللي هو قائمه من قوائم الحوار في حضارتنا!
مقر العمل :العضيليه ... مركز من مراكز ارامكو يبعد عن اقرب مدينه ،الاحساء، مسافه تقارب الستين كيلو مترا مع العلم ان اختي من الساكنين في الدمام، مسافه ساعتين عن الاحساء.
الراتب ثلاثه اضعاف راتبها الحالي ،،،
واذا عرف السبب بطل العجب ...
لكي تتمكن اختي من قبول الوظيفه يجب عليها بعد دخول المقابله و الحصول على الموافقه و مقوله "طز" لكلام الناس و السنتهم ان تجد وسيله للوصول الى العضيليه و ايجاد سكن في الاحساء مع احد الاقارب اللذين من الممكن ان تسكن معهم.
يعني سائق في اغلب الحالات يكون اجنبي يتكلم عربيه او انجليزيه ركيكه مفتقر للمهارات اللازمه لمناوره السيارات على طرقنا السريعه و سكن عند ناس تمون عليهم مثل ما يقال في العاميه مع ايجاد سياره و سكن للسائق ايضا
عندها من الممكن ان تتمكن من القيام بعملها

هذا ما يسمى الكفاح ... تهانينا لكل عامله في العضيليه و كل المدرسات اللاتي يخاطرن بحياتهم على طرقنا السريعه

Saturday, January 13, 2007

Sorry People

Well, I've been busy study for my exam, which is coming within 9 days, And I haven't updated this blog with anything.

This is another internet review update:

First very interesting article about the Saudi-American exchange program.

Then there is the Famous CuppyCake song Video, and all the bloopers and out takes.

and A very nicely written article about the change in the saudi society (in arabic).

Thats all for now,

and sorry if I'm not updating as much as I should .. just give me 9 more days and wish me luck with exams.

back to digging in my books.


Thursday, January 11, 2007

التطور في السعوديه

اليوم جلست ادور في الانترنت عن اخبار جديده و شكله في حركه في حلوه راح تستوي في البلد منها اصدار عن السعوديه من لونلي بلانت ... يعني راح تبدا السياحه بالبلد ... زين عشان نجيب الشباب اللي هنا نوريهم السعوديه ... على فكره بالنسبه للطلاب المبتعثين اللي عندهم اطفال مبروك على الموافقه على صرف بدل لاربعه اطفال ...و لباقي الشباب على صرف بدل للفيزا ...
و بما انه راح نفتح المجال للسياحه بالحين الوقت عشان العالم تعدل من سواقتها في البلد ،،، و صار فيه تعديل في المحاكم بعد
و تخيلوا لو صحيح تم افتتاح معهد للموسيقى في السعوديه و الله حركات ... بس مع الاسف اذا العالم ما تغير تفكيرها كيف ممكن نتغير ..
و حق اللي لين الحين يعتقد انه المراه عوره

نشوفكم بعد كم من يوم

Monday, January 8, 2007

ميس حمدان و كيف الحال !

اوكيه قلنا نجرب نكتب بالعربي يمكن الصوره تطلع احلى !!

قبل يومين كنت اتكلم عن فلم كيف الحال و كيف انني استطعت مشاهدته اخيرا من هنا في نهايه العالم في نيوزلاندا الخضراء عن طريق قوقل فيديو ...

طبعا في ذلك الوقت توجهت الى قوقل و قمت بادخال "كيف الحال" للقراءه عنه و يجب علي ان اعترف انني لم اطيل البحث و تحمست على مقاله في بي بي سي العربيه و كانت فيها صوره بطله الفلم ميس حمدان مكتوب تحتها انها اول ممثله تظهر من السعوديه ...
طرت من الفرحه ... "يا ولد صاروا عندنا سلبرتيز" مع الاسف لما كنت اتحدث مع احد الاصدقاء المقربين قال لي" بس هذي مو سعوديه ... هذي لبنانيه!" لم اصدقه و قمت بالبحث في عده مواقع لاكتشف انها احدى ابطال برنامج سي بي ام اللي كان يعرض فتره ما كنت في السعوديه في الصيف الماضي. مع الاسف لم تكن سعوديه و عشان نكسر عين صاحبنا طلع هو بعد غلطان و ما كانت لبنانيه كذلك بل
كانت اردنيه، تقدرون تقولون حل وسط بين الاثنين!
طبعا الكلام هذا بناء على كلام جريده الجزيره في موقعهم الالكتروني

اما موقع هدايه نت فقرر انه ينزل
مقابله معها

ما ادري ايش رايكم في انه اول بطله سعوديه هي اساسا مو سعوديه؟ بس انا اقول مو مشكله يعني يطلع غيرها
و للامانه الصوره من موقع هدايه نت


Sunday, January 7, 2007

Arabic, English Or Aringlish

Welcome again,

blog is only 2 days old now, sent the link to a few friends to get a feel of what people think of it. Sounds encouraging so far. I did recieve some feedback about why I am writing this blog in english. Why not arabic? they say. Well to tell the truth it took me a while to decide what to write it in. Arabic is good because it will give me more readers who are interested in what I'm saying about arabia but at the same time my arabic writing skills went down the drain ever since I graduated from highschool. Not that I was tought much about how to write the writing class was repetitive every year with the same topics. Never got anything out of it except for headaches and meaningless assignments. I wonder if they improved them in the last 6 years. Wonder if my younger cousin would be a better writer than I am in arabic.
So to cut the story short English is where I can express my self better at this stage in life. Even when I'm home I still use Aringlish, the famous arabic and english cocktail commenly used by Aramco's elderly. Used to make fun of Dad when he used it with his friends. Well guess who would be laughing now!
So Aringlish is going to be the language ... Mainly English but i might have a few arabic words, phrases of expressions from arabic, simply because some times it just sounds better.


Twentysomething Arabic Version

A Few weeks ago a good friend of mine introduced me to Jamie Cullum, the British Jazz/pop signer. When Soraya introduce me to him she put a DVD of his Blenheim Palace concert and skipped a few song and asked me to listen carefully to the one she chose. Well Guess what?? I loved it!!

The song was "Twentysomething" it summarized the whole beginning of real life experience for those who are living in developed countries. Now most of you would be wondering what does that have to do with Saudi Espresso?? well thinking back at it I figured out why Songs and Music are considered Haram in our society!!! Yup I found it !!

It is because no song ever expressed what those who sing it really feel! Well lets think about it for a second.. how many young arabic singers sing professionally? and from those how many would leave all the ancient arabic talent in love poetry and sing about the thoughts and the experiences of the young generation ?

Arabic singers fall into two broad categories according to me; those who decided to take it professionally and provide us with outstanding pieces of music talking about amazing love stories, which by the way are against our social norm, or those who decided to provide us with a TV friendly striptease show classified as YTC (yet to be classified).

No wonder I am listening to Western music! I'm looking for something that express what I feel not something that tease me about things I'm only allowed to dream about! This is why arabic music is haram in our society ... because it gives you false dreams about things that will never happen to you if you live in such society, except for a few exceptions of course!

If I'm going to listen to arabic music again something have to change then: The social norm or the context of the music. Wonder if any of them would change?


BMW Mysterious Product

A few days ago BMW launched this teaser about a mysterious new product on it's website. In the teaser the products reforms in so many shapes with each one being more sleek and smooth than the previous. The teasers talks also about some of the features of the product including the ability to recharge it's own battery and being some thing to do with a media player with a high resolution LCD screen. So is BMW planning in competing with the hopefully still go come iPod AV?

check the website BMW PRODUCT

Joining Technorati

Technorati Profile

Keef Alhal?

Keef alhal?

Means "How are you?" in arabic and also the title of that movie that was released as the first saudi movie.The phrase is also used sometimes when try and tell someone that they've been day-dreaming!
I posted the link to Google Video that shows you the movie last night and promissed that i would give my opinion of it later .. well i guess it's later now .. so here it is.
First of all many thanks for all of those who contributed to this production for there efforts and taking all the comments that I'm sure started shooting at them from every which way. The reason I thank them is because they officially broke the barrier that was blocking the flow of some saudi talents. Congratulations and thank you again.
The other thing I liked about this productioin is the fact that it busted the myth of the saudi society being a homogenous religion oreinted one. It showed that there is a diversity in the society, which is a thing I really like, people are different and they can have different believes and should be able to live in peace and harmony if they respect each other. So thanks alot again.

Now a bit of Criticism, First this is not truely the first Saudi Film. There was an Anime called "الحب الحقيقي' or "The true Love" which was an immature attempt to produce something. Although it was rather rude and showed one of the dark sides of our society I still enjoyed it as everyone else did. Another attemp was "ربي ارجعون " which I can't come up with a proper translation for in english but i guess for those who what to look it up more you can try "Rabi Irgi3oon" which is basiclly retyping it in the famous cyber latin arabic script, I didn't actually see that movie ... so I can't comment on it but I can tell you there is such a thing. So Keef alhal was not the first movie but it was the first official one so I'll give it a plus for that.

The Movie, well while watching it i didn't feel like it was a movie .. felt more like a long episode of an gulf drama TV series .. or whats called "Tamtheelyah". The was the story Flowed was a bit not too smooth. There was a lot of stretching with unnecessary sence of the streets of Riyadh or other places.

Another thing, it tired to raise so many issues but not discuss them deeply ... i don't know if thats a good or a bad thing, they raised the concept of traditional marriage, polygamy, women employment, women driving, being over strict with religion or traditions, unemployment, lack of support to art, flirting, restrictions in the life of the society and how people run on holidays from that... etc. Non of those were discussed deeply ... it was just shooting randomly at different targets scattered all over the place with no definite aim. This felt really confusing until I thought maybe it was intentional with the idea of warming up the pot for all these things to be fully raised in future productions.

All in all, I enjoyed watching the "Movie" and hope you all enjoy it as well. Hopefully we see more of them coming in the near future as the door is open now.

Thanks for reading,


First Saudi Movie

back on now ..

i'm getting really hooked to this blogging thing ...
anyway instead of going to sleep i've discovered that the so called "first saudi movie" has made it to Google Video and spent the last hour and a half watching it ...

for all of u interested in watching it here is the link Keef Alhal

I'll put my criticisim on tomorrow after i get up .. but gotta admit good effort !! keep them coming ..

night !

Saturday, January 6, 2007

First Blog

Ok .. ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls welcome to my Blog.
Inspired by Saudi Jeans Blog i've decided that we need more blogs as Saudis to show that there is a diversity of ideologies in our society.
Now i don't have much to say at this stage. It's basically my first attempt to make a blog. Having said that i had 2 other attempts in making websites both of which ended in disappointment. i still remember the first one it was created by my wrestling obsessed teenage mind when i was about 16 I spent about a week setting it up on my computer on frontpage but couldn't load it on the web for some reason that i couldn't understand due to my poor language at that time.
The name of this Blog is Saudi Espresso .. chose the name because I thought it have to do with my society hence Saudi. The word espresso now .. well not sure at first I wanted to call it Saudi Cafe but didn't think that was special enough so i had to think of something else and the name espresso popped in to my head with i saw my espresso cup setting next to my computer .. no I'm not a rich spoiled saudi who has a fancy espresso machine while he's still in Uni ... I use it to drink Turkish coffee .. something I miss from the middle east... anyways I liked the name and thought it would be suitable since it's nice and might reflect the content of my intercranial radiator, aka the brain, which might be bitter and straight to the point sometimes like espresso!!