Sunday, April 15, 2007

R.I.P. Grandma

After spending 16 hours in hospital yesterday praying for a lady to give a normal birth to her first child. It was decided that she will need a C-section so I have to find another one to complete my school requirement.
When I woke up from sleep today I went online to check whats new of the Family Forum and there it was a flash news of Grandma's death (Allah yer7amha). Last time I saw her was 14 months ago she was struggling with her medical conditions as she always did. I did not see it coming but one of my cousins told me today that she was suffering from some sort of cancer. As usual noone told me probably because noone wants to give me any bad news. I understand where they are coming from but still I think I deserve to know like everyone else. After all I am one of the family.
This year has been pretty tough of the family we lost 3 relatives in the last 4 months and I missed all the funerals. Think I need to go there at some stage and catch up with family.
Finally I would like to say "Allah yerhamki Grandma, No one to ask me to look under the Shebryah for some empty pepsi bottles to break my Niggil!"

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