Monday, April 30, 2007

عبد السلام الهليل ... افضل رسام كركاتير سعودي

للي ما يعرفه عبدالسلام الهليل هو رسام كركاتير في جريده الرياض ...
انا شخصيا من اشد المعجبين في الكركاتيرات اللي يرسمهم، ومتابع لهم بشكل شبه يومي على صفحه جريده الرياض السعوديه ..
حبيت اشارككم في كركاتير اليوم،


Let's Learn English!

بما اننا في كنا نتحدث عن التحدي الجديد اللذي اخوضه في تعلم اللغه الاسبانيه. فكرت انه من المهم ان اطرح قضيه اللغه الانجيليزيه و تعليمها لابنائنا.
مما لا شك فيه ان المقدره على استعمال اللغه الانجليزيه في وقتنا الحاضر مهمه خاصه فيما يتعلق بالدراسه الجامعيه و الحصول على وظيفه هذا بالاضافه الى التعرف على الحضارات و الشعوب الناطقه باللغه الانجليزيه كلغه أم او كلغه ثانويه.
مع الاسف انه الاغلبيه يلقون على مؤسسات التعليم مهمه تعليم هذه اللغه كليا.
اذا كنت اب او ام من الممكن ان تسهل على طفلك عناء تعلم اللغه مستقبلا عن طريق اعطاءهم اساسيات اللغه منذ الصغر.
كتعليمهم الحروف الاتينيه مع الحروف العربيه. و تعليمهم اسماء بعض الاشياء في الحياه اليوميه و بعض الجمل البسيطه.
الشيئ البسيط من التعليم من الممكن ان يحبب الطفل في اللغه و يكسر حاجز الرهبه اللتي يعاني منها الكثيرين ممن يحاولون تعلم اللغه في سن متأخره.

Sunday, April 29, 2007

Ipod و تعلم اللغات

خلال الاسبوع الماضي بدأت في تعلم اللغه الاسبانيه. انا لن اكتب اليوم عن اسباب اختياري للغه الاسبانيه و لكن عن طريقه جدا مفيده في تعلم اللغات الاجنبيه ... باستعمال الاي بود!
نعم الاي بود او اي جهاز محمول متعدد الوسائط . بكل بساطه كل ما عليك هو الذهاب الى الاي تيون ستور و تحميل ملفات بود كاست مجانيه لتعليم اللغه و الاستماع اليها في البيت، محل القهوه و انت في الطريق الى العمل او في السياره.
و عند الاستماع الى هذه الملفات و الدروس قم بالتفاعل معها خلال ايام تجد نفسك قد بدأت تتحدث اللغه اللتي تريد!
الطريقه مجربه شخصيا و شبه مجانيه ... اذا كان عندك اي بود من قبل او سوف تكلفك الجهاز مع امكانيه استعمال الجوال او اي جهاز اخر.

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Gone in 105 seconds!

Today I was sent a link from one of my friends about the robbery that happened in Wafi Center in Dubai. 2 Audi A8s (if I'm not mistaken) drove into the shopping center with 6-8 people inside broke into a Jewellery store and after 105 seconds drove away with 56 Million Dh worth of Jewellery!
They suspect that the gang is part of the Russain Mafia! I personally don't know about that but I believe that maybe Arabs should easy off on showing off too much.

You show off too much... someone will try and steal what you got! Simple rule of living...

To watch the Video of the run away cought on a Mobile phone Click here.
to read more about it Click here.

Monday, April 16, 2007

Nice view...

Lately I've been trying to push my self more and more to spend more time in Hospital and learn stuff. After all It is my last year and I Should be at a better level. The Tax of doing that however is time, and time= sleep+ rest+ social life. Not the best thing to do but I guess I wasted the last 5 years in Med School doing those things so maybe I should spend more time on developing my self Medically.
But you see there is a bright side to spending that much time in hospital and leaving late at night, you can see views like these. Never realized it looked that good!

Joined Flickr

As part of my move to make my blog more alive and exciting to you people I joined flickr so now you can have a little look at some of my photos that I want to share with you. These can be accessed thru the flash photo album of the side of the blog.

Sunday, April 15, 2007

R.I.P. Grandma

After spending 16 hours in hospital yesterday praying for a lady to give a normal birth to her first child. It was decided that she will need a C-section so I have to find another one to complete my school requirement.
When I woke up from sleep today I went online to check whats new of the Family Forum and there it was a flash news of Grandma's death (Allah yer7amha). Last time I saw her was 14 months ago she was struggling with her medical conditions as she always did. I did not see it coming but one of my cousins told me today that she was suffering from some sort of cancer. As usual noone told me probably because noone wants to give me any bad news. I understand where they are coming from but still I think I deserve to know like everyone else. After all I am one of the family.
This year has been pretty tough of the family we lost 3 relatives in the last 4 months and I missed all the funerals. Think I need to go there at some stage and catch up with family.
Finally I would like to say "Allah yerhamki Grandma, No one to ask me to look under the Shebryah for some empty pepsi bottles to break my Niggil!"

Friday, April 13, 2007

Back online !

After 2 month of not having an internet connection at home yesterday I finally got connected again. Yes I am back online and I have no excuse not to write blogs as often anymore. BTW speed is GOOD!!! (for NZ of course)

Friday, April 6, 2007

Easter Break = boredom

Hi everyone...

If you have a holiday today .. hope u're having a good time and not bored as I am but if you not ... well too bad !

just wanted to share my Stone Grill experince that I had last week with you guys .. really nice way to eat out .. you order the meat you get it on a piece of stone heated to 400C and you grill on it on your table.

unforgetable experince ...

have a good weekend

Sunday, April 1, 2007

El laberinto del fauno

This weeks movie experince is a bit different. It is not a main stream hollywood movie. It is the spanish fairy tale, not for children, movie. The movie takes you to fairy tales land and make you live a simple story without feeling shy about it. Best of all, realized at the end that reading the subtitles was not that hard and it did not interfere with following the scenes. Fantastic movie and should not be missed.