Saturday, January 6, 2007

First Blog

Ok .. ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls welcome to my Blog.
Inspired by Saudi Jeans Blog i've decided that we need more blogs as Saudis to show that there is a diversity of ideologies in our society.
Now i don't have much to say at this stage. It's basically my first attempt to make a blog. Having said that i had 2 other attempts in making websites both of which ended in disappointment. i still remember the first one it was created by my wrestling obsessed teenage mind when i was about 16 I spent about a week setting it up on my computer on frontpage but couldn't load it on the web for some reason that i couldn't understand due to my poor language at that time.
The name of this Blog is Saudi Espresso .. chose the name because I thought it have to do with my society hence Saudi. The word espresso now .. well not sure at first I wanted to call it Saudi Cafe but didn't think that was special enough so i had to think of something else and the name espresso popped in to my head with i saw my espresso cup setting next to my computer .. no I'm not a rich spoiled saudi who has a fancy espresso machine while he's still in Uni ... I use it to drink Turkish coffee .. something I miss from the middle east... anyways I liked the name and thought it would be suitable since it's nice and might reflect the content of my intercranial radiator, aka the brain, which might be bitter and straight to the point sometimes like espresso!!